Revamping Flip Academy Website

Revamping Flip Academy Website

My Role
Sole Product Designer

My Role
Sole Product Designer

Project Duration
3 Months 2 Weeks

Project Duration
3 Months 2 Weeks



The Redesign of Flip Academy was able to attract more users to the platform. An 80% increase in sign-up from users was shown which leads to more user interactions. These improvements have shown that there was a 60% increase in our intended audience between the age group 8 to 14. In Addition, parents were able to see and understand clearly what Flip Academy is about and how it can benefit both parent/guardian and their child.

The Problem

The Problem

The current website doesn't speak to the younger audience. It lacks user-friendliness and the rightful elements that would attract more kids, and captivate their attention in a more appealing and educative manner.

The Goal

The Goal


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