Throughout our efforts, we were successful in getting kids to interact with adaptable courses, quizzes, badges, and digital money. Based on the positive feedback and impact from this educational platform, this experience helps to reinforce kids' learning ability while providing them with a stable and interesting learning program, contributing to their financial literacy growth. However, going forward, I'm eager to keep improving the advancement of the kid's learning experience as well as seeking future opportunities to enhance their learning journey.
Kids are growing to be money wasters instead of money savers, this is because kids aren't introduced to financial literacy skills at an early age and ways they can take control of their finances.
The goal is to provide kids with easy access to a money management learning environment where the experience is kid-friendly and has a seamless interactions between them and their learning environment.
Discovery & Findings
Being a part of Flip and Floss felt like a game changer for me, my first week in the project helped me to understand the goal and objective of the company. Being a part of the vision allowed me to seek ways in which I could help kids build their financial literacy skills. I got the opportunity to speak with a parent and their child through an interview session.
Major Pain Points
High Complexity
Parents struggle a lot to find learning materials online that teach kids about financial literacy. The few learning materials encountered were too difficult for kids to understand and enjoy while learning.
Poor Engagement
Interaction between the kids and learning materials online wasn't fun. The experience wasn't kid friendly and so kids tend to find everything uninterested and boring.